
We are required to make in-depth research and analysis on the publishingstatus of sinology research works according to the development of sinologyresearch and the strengthening of the role of sinology works. From 1979 to2012, there are 8982 official English sinology research works around the world.
First of all, this paper studies on the research and statistics of all aspects ofthese works, then it focuses on the analysis and induction from the publishingtime, publishing region, organizer and publishing theme. We can obtain thecommonness and individuality in the publishing cycle, published in thegeographical distribution, the organizer information and publishing theme byfurther interpretation of research data and specific analysis of the works.
Besides, by studying the publishing theme of different regions and publishingtime, publishing region, region partition of organizers, this paper obtains themajor publishing direction and research field. Finally, this paper summarizesthe published status of the English sinology research works and obtains someconclusion about the publishing time, regions, theme, organizations andoverall trends. In the year of publication, the oversea English Chinese studieshave two peaks which constitute from 1998 to 2000 and from 2007 to 2009. Inthe publishing area, the North America and Western Europe have become themost concentrated areas in the publication of the oversea English Chinesestudies. In the publishing organizations, there are many other college pressesas branches beside the UMI University Press as the trunk. In publishing theme,there are some main parts such as politics, history, social life, foreign affairs,economy and trade, culture and heritage and so on. The publication nowadayshas the trend of “West stronger than East” and “North wider than South” on theoverall.
At present, the higher education in China has been transformed from elite-orientedto public-oriented and the way of development was gradually changed from expansion toexcavation. Optimazing the structure of higher education, renovating the mode of training,perfecting the admistrative system and promoting the quality are the key tasks of higereducation.
With the continuous deepening of higher education reform and development, thetraditional educational ideology, thought and system can not meet the need of the timeand the realization of values. This paper aims at new ideas and mode of admistrationthrough the research and analysis of traditional hierarchical so that the level of scientificadminstration can be promoted and further developed.
The research target of this paper is colleges and universities. First, this paperanalyzes the present research findings of humanistic management and the purpose andcontents of this paper. Second, this paper summarizes the humanistic management,including its concept, theorical basis, realistic meaning and advantages. Third, itexpatiates the advatanges and disadvantages of hierarchical management through theanalyses of the origin, present state, problems and causes. Fourth, a lateral comparision ismade among America, England and Japan in terms of the mode and methods ofhumanistic management in order to find the meaning of lateral reference. Fifth, Havingeyes on the movitation, pressure, limitations, guarantee and choices , this paper tries toconstruct a humanistic management mode and expounds, in great detail, the featuresand methods which can be used to solve the problems in colleges and universities. Six,the humanistic management in S university is set as an example for the analysis. Tosummarize, the author draws a conlcusion that a humanistic management suits the presentreform of higher education better, can promote the further development and motivatebother students and teachers thus achieving a scientific, harmonious and sustainabledevelopment. The administrative management of higher education will finally be awin-win process and helps to train more talents with different potentials.
With the higher education transforming from the elite to mass education, China's undergraduateliberal arts majors in colleges and universities have experienced rapid development. However, as theirquantity and scale expand, the contradiction between undergraduate liberal arts talents training andsocial demands has been gradually highlighted. At present, it is an urgent and real problem to be solvedfor higher liberal education as to how to train undergraduate liberal arts talents who can adaptthemselves to the economic and social development.
Social demands for talents in type, level and quantity determine the talents training direction ofhigher education. According to social demands for liberal arts talents, the research proposes that on thepremise of maintaining training a moderate amount of academic talents, we should persist in appliedreform and development direction and strive to train applied undergraduate talents in terms ofundergraduate liberal arts majors.
With interviews and other research results combined, the research suggests that the application ofundergraduate liberal arts majors refers to neither value application in a broad sense nor operational usein social production and life but refers to the capabilities of trained talents to have reasonableknowledge structure, strong practical work ability and good comprehensive quality and to solve specificpractical problems in the economic and social development with related theory, knowledge andtechnical skills. Meanwhile, the research analyzes and summarizes the contemporary characteristics andconcrete representation of the application of undergraduate liberal arts majors and their developmenthistory, major features and forming basis.
After theoretical analysis and through research methods such as document analysis, in-depthinterview, expert consultation and questionnaire survey, the research explores and constructs theapplication evaluation system for undergraduate liberal arts majors. Among them, each in-depthinterview involves forty people, and each expert consultation involves five people. In order to obtainmore solid basis, we issue 300 questionnaires regarding how to evaluate the application of liberal artsmajors. The respondents involve three groups, including liberal arts graduates who have graduated formore than three years, liberal arts teachers and middle-and-high management staff in colleges anduniversities and middle-and-high management staff and business backbones in governmental agencies,enterprises, institutions and other employing units. The research believes that the application ofundergraduate liberal arts majors can be evaluated from six first level latitudes (namely, employmentdifficulty, employment structure, employment quality, adaptation situation, development prospect andtransfer capability), which include twenty second level latitudes such as the time when the firstemployment opportunity is obtained, the degree of correlation between the job and the major, thecompensation and the welfare.
According to the application evaluation system for undergraduate liberal arts majors, we make apreliminary questionnaire about the application status of undergraduate liberal arts majors and make atrial test on and 汪 reliability and validity analysis of 150 samples. On that basis, the current applicationstatus of undergraduate liberal arts majors is tested through 800 questionnaires. On the basis of outcomeevaluation and external evaluation principles, the research chooses liberal arts graduates who haveworked for 2-6 years as respondents, and the respondents include all types of social oiganizations whichcan offer employment opportunities to liberal arts graduates as far as possible. According to the survey,the application degree of undergraduate liberal arts majors is smaller than that of science andengineering; the application degree of liberal arts majors of “211 project” universities is higher relativeto that of “985 project” universities and general undergraduate colleges and is significantly higher thanthat of general undergraduate colleges; and it differs among eight different disciplines within liberal arts,in which history, law and philosophy have a lower application degree.
According to the research, the reason lies in the fact that in terms of the application ofundergraduate liberal arts majors, the colleges and universities have many problems. For instance, it isnecessary to improve the discipline system, optimize the training process and teaching contents,promote teacher resources and intensify the evaluating function. Meanwhile, with regard to the internaladministration mechanism, there are not yet the mechanism, model and system which are in favor of themutual participation in talent training by other interested parties. In addition, the interested partieshaven't played their due role in talent training, which is another important reason resulting in the weakapplication of liberal arts majors.
The application of liberal arts majors is restricted by various factors and therefore requires certainsupport. The research proposes that colleges and universities should undeigo a comprehensive reform interms of the liberal arts major system, the talent training process, tiie quality evaluating model, thecontingent of teachers,the discipline construction and the internal administration system andmechanism in colleges and universities. Meanwhile, under the leadership of the government, talentstraining should be mainly implemented by employing units like companies and carried out by studentsactively, and other social organizations should also participate in it. In order to guarantee the effectiveparticipation in university talents training by different interested parties, according to the principles ofsharing interests and responsibilities and complementing each other with advantages, the researchproposes that it is necessaiy to construct a joint talent training mechanism by establishing andimproving its institutional environment under the leadership of the government.