
With the rapid development of globalization, international academic exchangeand cooperation are increasingly strengthened. Today, most Chinese universities haveprovided English webpage profiles to draw more attention from oversea students,foreign scholars or academic institutions. University webpage profile, as the core ofthe whole webpage, plays a significant role in attracting foreign academic exchangeand cooperation programs.
Relying on its excellent location and prosperous economy, Zhejiang province hasgenerated many famous universities. In recent years, these universities have alreadymade great achievements in international academic exchange and cooperation. Butthere still exist some errors in the C-E translation of their webpage profiles.
The author chooses webpage profiles of 20 Zhejiang universities as samples, andmeanwhile employs webpage profiles of 10 famous American universities and 10famous British universities as parallel texts to conduct this study under the guidanceof Functional Translation Theory. The study indicates that translation errors in thewebpage profiles of Zhejiang universities can be classified into four types, namely:
pragmatic translation errors, cultural translation errors, linguistic translation errorsand textual translation errors. Through analysis of these errors, the author works outsome countermeasures including addition and amplification, deletion andsimplification, rewriting, reconstructing text structure and improving informationaccuracy to correct these errors in hope to improve the quality of webpage profiles ofZhejiang universities.
Following the quickened pace of Chinese culture's “going out to the world”,Chinese films are also striving to walk toward the world to compete with other countrieson the international stage. Consequently, the subtitling of Chinese films into foreignlanguages has attracted increased scholarly attention in recent years. What role doessubtitling play in promoting Chinese culture exportation? What subtitling strategiesshould be employed to fulfill this aim? The answer to these questions can perhaps befound in a case study of Red Sorghum, the first modern Chinese film to have won aninternational acclaim. Mo Yan's winning the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2012 testifiesto this film's wide popularity among English-speaking viewers and its far-reachingimpact.
This thesis aims to examine the strategies employed in the English subtitles of RedSorghum and to analyze why such subtitling strategies as were adopted by the subtitlersare both justified and instrumental in enhancing its warm reception by overseasaudiences. Two theoretical tools are adopted in the present study: one is subtitlingtheories proposed by Gottlieb and developed by Diaz-Cintas and others; the other isVermeer's skopos theory.
The Introduction states the research background, aim, scope and rationale of thisstudy. Chapter Two is a critical review of the relevant literature on the topic. ChapterThree summarizes the main points of Western subtitling theories and skopos theory.
Chapter Four tries to describe the general shape and features of the English subtitles ofRed Sorghum in the light of subtitling strategies and constraints. It is found that suchstrategies as transfer, paraphrase, condensation, decimation, deletion, expansion,imitation and resignation are frequently employed by the subtitlers. Yet what is termed“reductive domestication” strategy (R&D strategy) in the present thesis is the basic oneadopted. Chapter Five attempts to explain from a functionalist perspective why thesesubtitling strategies, especially somewhat radical ones like deletion, condensation,rewriting, are justified and why Red Sorghum equipped with such English subtitles waswarmly received by Western audiences. The Conclusion discusses the significantimplications of Red Sorghum's success for Chinese film's “going abroad”.
in recent years, E-learning has become a hot topic. With the rapid development of Internet and mobile Internet' education and the Internet withdepth and become a hot area of educational innovation and change. This paper will be from 2007 to 2014 (until August 1st) to get E-learning product financing as the key research object, has conducted the research andthe analysis to the domestic online education and the development of the industry and business model.
The thesis is mainly divided into six parts: (one) the introduction, mainly discussed the research background, the research present situation, partof the research purpose and significance, research method, and adopts themethods of literature research, investigation and case analysis study, (two) overview of the development of industry of domestic online education, online education mainly from the definition, domestic online education development, industry development status and industry financing are analyzed, (three) classification of domestic E-learning analysis, the domestic online education is divided into early, K12, higher education, vocational education andlanguage learning in five areas, and from every field of definition and current situation of the development, financing characteristics and financing tosummarize four aspects to carry on the detailed research. Points out thedifferences between the various fields in the products and financing, combined with the specific case summary of the characteristics of field is easy to obtain financing products, (four) the analysis of domestic E-ieaming industry chain, from the perspective of the industrial chain of the analysts of thecharacteristics and types of content providers, platform providers and technoiogy providers, (five) the analysis of domestic E-iearning profit model, inview of the current situation of E-learning to cash, combining the concretecase, three profit model combing the industry mainstream already exist': pay model, platform mode and free mode, (six) the characteristics of E-learning and the trend of the domestic business model, of the five areas above education online business model are summarized, and the future development trend forecast of five aspects of online education.
This paper mainly explores the usages of Chinese non-canonical verbal classifierphrases (non-CVCl phrases for short) and then makes a contrastive study on Chinesenon-CVCl phrases and relevant English constructions (RECs for short) that aresemantically and functionally similar to the Chinese non-CVCl phrases.
The features of Chinese non-CVCl phrases have not been investigatedsystematically in previous studies. This paper makes a detailed analysis of the semanticfeatures and syntactic distribution of these phrases. It is found that in addition toquantifying events, non-CVCl phrases can also serve the individuation function oftransforming event types into event tokens. Besides, non-CVCl phrases are also of anominal character, which accounts for their relatively strong referential function asopposed to their weak declarative function. In addition, the diversified syntacticdistribution of non-CVCl phrases is also discussed in this paper.
With the help of Chinese and English parallel corpus and online resources, thispaper attempts to find out the RECs semantically and functionally analogous to Chinesenon-CVCl phrases and classify these RECs into different groups: light verbconstructions, cognate object constructions, double object constructions and nominaland verbal expressions. An analysis is also made of the features of these classes ofEnglish constructions or expressions. It is found that most of the RECs are related toevent nouns to some degree.
Grounded on the above discussion, this paper conducts a contrastive study of theChinese non-CVCl phrases and the RECs, aiming to bring out the differences betweenthem in terms of phrase structure, semantic meaning and syntactic distribution. Thefactors resulting in these differences are analyzed from a cognitive perspective. It isproposed that the differences between the Chinese language and the English language atlarge in perspective positioning and prominence selection, cognitive mechanism andscanning mode constitute the underlying reasons for the different ways of quantifyingevents and denoting actions in the two languages.