
1interpretation program of the attributive clauses in Barack Obama's 2013 State of theUnion Address. It targets to improve the author's practical skills of interpretation.
Barack Obama's 2013 State of the Union Address is a personal political addresswith formal language and personal presentation style. In the presentation, Obama usedmany attributive clauses to give information. However, the attributive clauses are verydifficult for simultaneous interpretation. Because of the huge differences in linguisticstructures between Chinese and English, it is tough for interpreters to finishinterpretation and maintain logic regularity simultaneously. In detail, it is difficult totranslate the very long attributive clauses into adjectives. And it is tough for interpretersto translate the attributive clauses located in the middle of the sentence as well as theattributive clauses at the end of the sentence, which costs much time in simultaneousinterpretation and may influence the interpretation of the following text.
According to Peter Newmark, semantic translation attempts to render, as closely asthe semantic and syntactic structures of the second language allows, the exactcontextual meaning of the original (Newmark, 1982:41)。 This report adopts PeterNewmark's Theory of Semantic Translation to overcome the different structuresbetween two languages and interpret the whole information contained in the originaltext. It puts forward four methods for attributive clauses interpretation: segmentationonce,segmentation twice, syntactic linearity and synthesization. So,the interpretersdon't have to translate the linguistic structure and ensure the following text will beinterpreted.
This program explores the simultaneous interpretation methods for attributiveclauses in Barack Obama!s 2013 State of the Union Address, pointing out thedifficulties and methods of attributive clauses interpretation, which may improve theauthor's ability of interpretation and help other interpreters to deal with similardifficulties in the future.
Key Words: Barack Obama's 2013 Stasimultaneous interpretation; attributivesimultaneous interpretation methodsof the Union Address; English-Chineseclauses; semantic translation theory;
The material of this interpretation project is the report on 2014 Obama's State ofdie Union Address held by US government and delivered by US president Obama inWashington on 了肌28气 2014. Having conducted an E-C simulated consecutiveinterpreting, the interpreter notices that frequent usage of parenthesis notably detectedin the text can cause the following problems: (1) the miss of parentheses can lead tounderstanding difficulty. That is to say, the parentheses heard are merely some clipswhich lack logical connection with the whole sentence; (2) time-lag of the parentiiesescan also result in logical incoherence during inteipreting. The interpreter can fullyunderstand exact meaning of the original material but fails to interpret perfectly due tothe fact that the speaker frequently makes replenishment or paraphrase for theprevious contents.
Under the guidance of interpretive tfieoiy with “deverbalization” being its core,this paper has explored effective strategies for solving the problems: prediction byinference and information simplification to solve the first one; reformulation andlogical processing being helpful to solve tihe second one. The completion of this papercan help to cultivate the author's interpreting competence as well as performance inthe fiiture.
Key words: interpretive theory; information unit; inteipretation strategies; parenthesis;State of the Union Address .
ABSTRACTThe material of this interpretation project is SCIO's press conference of 23,July,2013. This report focuses on C-E interpretation of fuzzy language in SCIO's pressconference. First of all,the author had a C-E consecutive interpreting of this pressconference and analyzed the record of the author's interpreting. Three typicaldifficulties are founded: (1) large amounts of the degree hedges make the listeners feelconfused; (2) the omission of the demonstratives leads to the difficulty of thetransformation of sentence structures; (3) it's hard to express the inner meaning of theabstract concept words.
This report chose Sperber & Wilson's Relevance Theory as the theoretical basis.Under the relevance-theoretic framework, this report analyzed the fuzzy language.
With examples, this report proposed three corresponding C-E consecutiveinterpretation strategies to solve these interpreting difficulties: (1) integrate or switchthe degree hedges; (2) add the demonstratives; (3) explain or replace the abstractconcept words.
From the perspective of the fuzzy language in the government press conference,this report proposed the corresponding specific interpreting strategies under theguidance of the Relevance Theory, which can help the interpreter to deal with this sortof difficulties.
Key Words: fuzzy language; C-E consecutive interpretation; press conference;Relevance Theory; interpretation strategies.
With the development of the times, tourism industry is flourishing. There is avariety of guidebooks,whose translation, to a certain degree, influences the growth oflocal tourism. This translation report is based on the Chinese-English translation ofHangzhou Travel Guild (2013)。 The translator has translated a part of the book andthen finished the report in the hope of offering practical guidance for some departmentsrelevant with tourism and promoting the development of tourism.
During the translation practice, because of the big differences between Chineseand English culture and language, the translator came across the following difficulties:
(1) the translation of culture-loaded words; (2) the translation of long sentences. Underthe guidance of Skopos Theory, the translator considered that the translation of travelguide should focus on the target text readers and the translated version should be inaccordance with the writing features of the target text and cater to the target readers.
Combined with detailed examples, the translator put forward the followingstrategies: (1) addition,omission and compression; (2) integrating and splittingsentences. This report proposed the corresponding specific strategies, which can offersome referential value to the translators to translate the tourism texts.
Key Words: tourist texts; C-E translation; culture-loaded words; long sentences; theSkopos Theory.
F. Scott Fitzgerald is the spokesman of “Jazz Age” whose representative workis The Great Gatsby. Many feminist scholars home or abroad have done a gooddeal of research on the novel. Most of the research neglects the fact that the novelis based on the patriarchy which “subordinates the female to the male or treats thefemale as inferior male…”;(Selden,2004:132) and the women characters arepartially treated and Daisy is a prejudiced character as the cause of Gatsby'stragedy. Few have tried to explore the relationship between Daisy and Gatsby'sAmerican Dream.
With the development of feminism, it is necessary to re-interpret Daisy's rolein lens of feminism. The author attempts to analyze five of the novel'scomponents including setting, narration, plot, imagery and characterization in thefeminist perspective in which objectification theory, Otherness theory are appliedin argumentation. Both textual and statistical methods are used to prove that Daisyis the victim rather than victimizer. This thesis rectifies some misreading of thenovel and moves toward a deepened understanding of The Great Gatsby.
The misreading of the novel is closely related to Fitzgerald's patriarchalideology. First of all,the setting analysis suggests The Great Gatsby is set byFitzgerald historically in the 1920s and geographically in the Middle West andNew York. The 1920s saw the emergence of “New Women” who were rebuked bypatriarchal ideology because of their resistance to male dominance. “Flapper” isthe term applied to a “new breed” of young Western women in the 1920s; and theMiddle West and New York are places in accordance with Fitzgerald's lifeexperience. The Great Gatsby is in effect the semi-autobiographic novel ofFitzgerald. It mirrors Fitzgerald's story to the extent that even Daisy is modeledafter his wife, Zelda who is blamed for ruining Fitzgerald's literary career. So theZelda-typed character of Daisy lays the ground for her accusation. Secondly, thenarration analysis suggests it is Fitzgerald's intentional act to blind the fact thatDaisy is in effect innocently involved in Gatsby's American Dream. ForFitzgerald chooses a male narrator. The first-person narrative mode evokessympathy in Nick's exposure of his feelings, desires,affections, speculations aswell as fears. As noted by feminist researcher Gao Mei, “by 'walking in Nick'sshoes' readers are unconsciously invited to sympathize Gatsby and criticize Daisyas If forming a male alliance.” (Gao Mei,2007:56) Nick indeed takes up the roleof spokesman for Gatsby besides acting as a narrator and observer. He alsofunctions as the moral center. And he takes stance obviously. By claiming hisreservation in judgments, he strategically gains narratees' confidence and thenpresents Daisy as a careless,selfish and intolerably amoral woman. But when thestory is related by Jordan, a woman narrator, Daisy is presented as a feeble womanwho is persistent in love,unaffected and struggling desperately against theoppression of the arranged marriage. The analysis of setting and narrationarticulates Fitzgerald's patriarchal ideology which leads to the misreading ofDaisy.
The textual and statistical analyses of the novel in terms of imagery, plotand characterization also reveal Daisy's role as victim of Gatsby's AmericanDream.
Firstly, in respect of the imagery, the images concerning Daisy are closelyrelated to objectification. She is compared with the image of rose more than 14times. Even Daisy herself self-objectifies as a rose for 4 times. Gatsby, whofollows the typical American Dream pursuer, Franklin Benjamin, regards Daisy asa “ladder.” But unlike Franklin's “ladder,” Gatsby's “ladders” are Daisy andillegal business.
Secondly,as to the plot, Daisy is objectified in 3 ways includinginstrumentality, denial of subjectivity and denial of self-determination inaccordance with philosopher Martha Nussbaum,s categorization. Gatsby lovesDaisy not for what she is but for her instrumentality to him. He insists on cheatingDaisy with his old tricks, but he is never aware of her subjectivities. Daisy in factis the Otherness to verify his success, to confirm his victory and to feed his strongneed of self-recognition. Daisy is denied of self-determination by Gatsby for 4times according to statistics. He over-expects Daisy to say “I never loved you” toTom. He represents Daisy to hurt her husband without any permission of Daisy.
Gatsby also wishfully involves Daisy into his majestic cause of repeating the past.
In addition, he gives a knightly but redundant vigil to protect Daisy. Hisimprudent behavior constantly triggers Daisy's disaster in family and reputation.
Thirdly, as to the characterization, Daisy is a commodity for men's grab. Hermiserable destiny will not be changed whoever's possession she belongs to. Daisyis sincere, loyal, and submissive. It is those characteristics that make Daisyvulnerable to Gatsby's extra-marital seduction and interference. But Nickdescribes Daisy disdainfully as if she is destructive to Gatsby. Nevertheless, Nickcan never perceive the beauty of her language usage when he is wearing tintedglasses. The characterization of Daisy in Nick's description is ideologically basednegative; for a statistic chart reveals the great proportional disparity in derogativeand prerogative words extracted from the novel. In the description of Daisy, thereare totally 14 prerogative words concerning her character while there are 37derogative words in total. In the description of Gatsby,there are 59 positive wordswhile there are only 7 negative words in total.
The analysis of the five components of the novel uncovers Daisy's role inGatsby's American Dream. She suffers oppression of the patriarchal ideology; sheis the prejudiced character. As a matter of fact, Gatsby's American Dream isinterwoven with money and women. His materialism-corrupted American Dreamis destined to be a disillusion. It is his American Dream that involves Daisy in theaccusation for betrayal of Gatsby and possibly conspiring with Tom to misleadWilson into murdering him. In effect her role as a wife and a mother defined bypatriarchy leaves her no choice but to give up Gatsby; and it is not appropriate toblame one character for her/ his coldness out of the specific historical context. Butshe unfortunately is merely the vehicle of Gatsby's dream, the decoration of hissuccess and a token of his self-fulfillment. Her family life and feminine reputationare spotted by Gatsby's obsession and interference. She is the victim rather thanvictimizerKey words: victim; victimizer; American Dream; feminism; objectification;the Other.