Lisa Jane Smith is an American female writer of young-adult-themed literature.
The Vampire Diaries is one of her representative works. Since its publication oftrilogy in 1991, the novels have won wide readership across the globe.
This thesis conducts an analysis of The Vampire Diaries from a new perspective,considering it transcends the form of Gothic novel, and explores the inheritance andbreakthrough of Gothic features in The Vampire Diaries, focusing on its theme,characters, then plots development.
On the fiction theme, The Vampire Diaries inherits the Gothic theme of horror,love, and conflicts between good and evil; but further develops the above themesthrough combination of modern elements and fantasy. For the vampire image andcharacterization, The Vampire Diaries still possesses the vampire image and power intraditional Gothic novels, and brings more distinctive vampires' supernatural powerand unique behaviors. Compared with traditional Gothic vampire stories, the plot ofThe Vampire Diaries gets more involved and more twisted scenario.
As the representative work of modern vampire fictions, The Vampire Diaries'inheritance and breakthrough of Gothic fictions in turn brings itself huge success andgreat reputation. And as the sub-genre of Gothic fiction, vampire fictions will belongstanding and get prosperous due to its unique features and cultural backgroundin today's developed society.
Key words: The Vampire Diaries, Lisa Jane Smith, Gothic literature, inheritance,breakthrough.
The original material is Chinese speeches made by Chinese President Xi Jinpingand Premier Li Keqiang respectively on the opening ceremony of the 9th and 10thChina-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit on September 3气 2012 andSeptember 3rd, 2013. The author has finished simulated simultaneous interpreting (SI inshort) and transcribed it into text. When analyzing C-E simulated simultaneous text, theauthor found two difficulties to be solved: I. cultural idiom C-E simultaneousinterpreting; II. irregular parallel expression C-E simultaneous interpreting.
Under the guidance of interpretive theory, by example analyzing, the author putforward two countermeasures for cultural idiom C-E SI: one is interpretative replacing,the other is explaining connotation. There are also two countermeasures for irregularparallel expression C-E SI: one is interpretative reducing, the other is parallelly listingthe words of the same characteristic.
The above SI countermeasures provided the author with solutions to cultural idiomand parallel expression interpreting. They can help interpreters not only achieve thegoal of communication but also save time. The above countermeasures also providedother interpreters with certain reference in C-E simultaneous interpreting of similartopic speeches made by Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang.
Key Words: C-E SI; idioms; irregular parallel expressions; countermeasures.
This translation report acts as a summary for my C-E translation project ofTrademark Law ofP.R. China, and its emphases is on how to translate into English theChinese “De” structures with conditional implications. This project is a simulationpractice for the purpose of strengthening my translation ability.
The Trademark Law ofP.R. China contains lots of “De” structures with conditionalimplications which should be translated into conditional clauses due to linguisticdifferences between Chinese and English. The great change pose great difficulty totranslation. The first difficulty lies in the diversified and complex structures withintricate logical relations. The second stems from “De,,structures' vacancy ofconjunctions which should not miss in their corresponding English translations and thechoice of the conjunction is affected by the complexity of structure.
This project adopts Vermeer's Skopos Theory to the translation of 6De' structureswith conditional implications. The target readers of the translation are English-speakingpeople eager to get acquainted with the trademark law of China, and the purpose oftranslation is to provide them with a complete and readable English version. The authoradopts the method of syntactic linearity for the phrasal verb + 'De,structures, themethods of restructuring and disconnecting for simple clauses and complex clauses +6De' structures. The conjunction if or where is chosen according to the rules of legalEnglish.
The translator adopts different translation methods in this report hoping that thedifficulties of translating ”De“ structures with conditional implications could be solvedand at the same time,could provide some enlightenment for other translators confrontedwith similar difficulties.
Key Words: ”De“ structures; conditional implications; Trademark Law of P. R. China;Skopos Theory; C-E translation methods.
Migrant workers are a special group of labourers coming into being with the process ofChina's opening and reformation. They have become the main force of the workers in thelabour intensive industries. Therefore, the research on migrant workers' career development isof overriding importance. However, the majority of both domestic and foreign researchers ofcareer development focuse the objects of their research on college students or themanagement of different trades and companies. Even if there are some researches on migrantworkers, they are concerned, most probably, with their employment in the context of China'surbanization. In addition, the research on career management in China lags behind that of theWest. Under such circumstances, a research on the career development of migrant workers isof immediate necessity.
Based on data and statistics,with the help of the theories of career development, thisthesis takes those LS corporation quality control and compliance department migrant workerswith certain degrees or certificates as the research object, analyzing the problems in theircareer development, with the purpose of providing some temporary career developmentreference for them.
Therefore, this thesis asks the following research questions: What are the reasons thatmigrant workers fail to seize the chance of career development? What are the factors that castinfluence on their career development? What are the effective methods for their careerdevelopment? In order to answer these questions, this research collects the data with interview,and analyzes them with literature analysis as well as grounded theory.
To be specific, this thesis bases its analysis on the domestic and foreign researches onmigrant workers' career development, and studies the migrant workers in LS company. Itintroduces three variables: career development, organizational commitment and psychologicalmotivation. Taking grounded theory as the major research methodology, it makes model forthe career development of migrant workers and then verifies it. This research explores thehypothesis of the relationship of the three variables, offering an empirical analysis on itsinfluence on the migrant workers of quality control and compliance department in LS, acompany whose major business is third-party logistics service for apparel luxuries.
With model making, data collection, data analysis and model verification of the careerdevelopment of migrant workers, this thesis contends that organizational commitment andpsychological motivation have positive correlation with career development of migrantworkers, and thus draws the conclusion that organizational commitment and psychologicalmotivation can promote the self-development and career development of migrant workers,increasing their social value and career qualifiction. On the other hand,their careerdevelopment can also benefit the companies like LS, enhancing their competitiveness so thatthey can do better in market competition.
This research intends to provide a certain reference for the research on the career planand development of migrant workers, and offer an analysis on the possibility of careerdevelopment for the migrant workers in LS company, and thus finally provide some generalreference for the career development of migrant workers in the third-party warehouse logisticscompanies with similar operation as LS.
Keywords: career development, organizational commitment, psychological motivation,grounded theory
In the broadband mobile communications,the popularity of intelligent terminals, anddata services of important background. LTE system will be large-scale commercialandwithin the next decade or longer time to become an important support for mobilecommunications.
In this paper, the security function ofPDCP(Packet Data ConvergenceProtocol)sublayer is analyzed and studied, and the realization of security algorithm and itsinterface on FPGAis presented.
First of all, the LTE structure,LTE system andLTE protocol are studied. Each layer ofLTE protocol is analyzed.The second chapter mainly describes the security function ofPDCP sublayer, and a detailed study ofconfidentiality and integrity process.The thirdchapter introduce two LTE security algorithm. One is SNOW 3G algorithm, the other isZUC cipher algorithm.
Next, the paper presentsthe FPGA realization of security function and the interface ofit. Thefourth chapter presentsa detailed design of the FPGA realization of the 3GPPconfidentiality and integrity algorithms 128-EEA3&128-EIA3. The fifth chapter presents adetailed design of Interfaces from 10Gbps Ethernet to FPGA algorithm module. Then inthe sixth chapter, program of the fourth chapter and the fifth chapter is proposed by thesimulation analysis.
This article highlights are: (1) Presents a detailed design of the FPGA realization ofthe 3GPP confidentiality and integrity algorithms 128-EEA3&128-EIA3.The throughput ofthe whole design remains it of ZUC algorithm. (2) The algorithm module can be attachedto high speed interfaces. (3) The design of interfaces solves the problem of connectionbetween 10Gbps Ethernet and FPGA algorithm module.And the design can be put intoCCU in reality.
Key Words:LTE(Long Term Evolution); PDCP(Packet Data Convergence Protocol);FPGA(Field Programmable Gate Array); ZUC cipher algorithm; XAUI(X EthernetAttachment Unit Interface)