
Louise Erdrich is one of the most prolific and important writers of contemporary NativeAmerican literature. In 2012,her new novel The Round House was published to the intensiveattention from critics and general readership alike. The novel won the National Book Award.
The Round House is centered on a rape case, telling a story of striving to survive whilepursuing justice through the jungle of discrimination and despair. Erdrich draws from Ojibwemyths,storytelling technique and skillfully merge with western mainstream culture to explorethemes such as subversion to colonial discourse, the loss and reconstruction of ethnic identity.
In this thesis, postcolonial theory is applied to analyze the loss and reconstruction ofethnic identity of the native people and Louise Erdrich's strategies to resist white colonialdiscourse. To the Natives struggling between two cultures and traditions, the loss of identityis inevitable, yet it is possible and necessary for them to reconstruct their ethnic identity.
Through the novel,Erdrich shows how different characters make efforts to reconstruct ethnicidentity, represent the national self-esteem and subvert the white hegemony. Throughanalyzing the text and the strategies of the author, the thesis suggests the way to reconstructethnic identity-surpass the ethnic boundary, recuperate traditional culture, embrace hybridity,mix with advanced culture of the mainstream society and make changes accordingly to gain abetter ground for survival and thriving.
The thesis first introduces the research background, the organization, and thesignificance of an interpretation of The Round House from the perspective of postcolonialismand the object of the thesis. Then it presents the critical reviews on Louise Erdrich's worksfrom three perspectives. Besides, it provides a brief introduction to the development and mainframe of postcolonialism, among which Edward Said's notion of “otherness”,GayatriSpivak's notion of “subaltern” and Homi Bhabha's notion of “hybridity” are the key termsemployed in the thesis. The central part of the thesis is devoted to analyzing the loss andreconstruction of ethnic identity embodied in the lives of different characters. In theconclusion part,the thesis reveals that for people living between two cultures, neitherretreating to the tradition nor yielding to the white society is a good choice. In themulticultural world, the native people should unite the community power to embracehybridity and recuperate brilliant traditional culture. Only in this way, can they survive andreconstruct their ethnic identity successfully.
Within the framework of feminism and archetypal criticism, this thesis, by taking ThePassion of New Eve as its discourse, analyzes and discusses Angela Carter's application ofdemythologizing as a feminist strategy. By rewriting and subverting those female archetypes,Carter aims to break the fetters and shackles of patriarchy, exploring the way to women'sliberation as well as the reconciliation between two genders.
Believing that human society has been established on patriarchy, feminists endeavor tochange women's subordinate status and achieve gender equality. Archetypal criticism, as oneof the most influential branches in literary criticism,regards myth as the origin of literature.
Myths,especially the Bible,cover all the forms and motifs known as archetypes in literature.
As a devoted pioneer and advocator of feminism, Carter realizes that those female archetypesare usually stereotyped and dogmatic, which is actually invented by patriarchy for theoppression and exploitation of women.
Based on intensive reading and exhaustive textual analysis, this thesis illustrates Carter'sdemythologizing of three female archetypes in The Passion of New Eve, which are“Temptress,,,”Mother Goddesses“ and ”Eve“ respectively. Firstly, the sufferings that Leilahencounter in the novel reveal that ”Temptresses“ are in fact victims of patriarchy instead oforigins of disloyalty and disasters. While seen by men as objects of their sexual desires, theyalso risk self-objectification, which results in the deprivation of subjectivity as independenthuman beings. Secondly, ”Mother“ in Beulah is just an artificial myth,汪 consolatory toolfabricated by patriarchy, behind the glorification of which are patriarchal values and codes.
Thirdly, the transformative journey Eve experienced from a chauvinist to a real womandemonstrates that femininity, rather than an inherent quality, is the result of social influenceand persistent imitations.
Through the demythologizing of those female archetypes, Carter overthrows thepatriarchal hegemony as well as Utopian matriarchal dreams,offering androgyny as a potentialsolution to the current sexual conflicts. In her opinion, the real reconciliation between twogenders should be based on mutual respect and understanding, which is confirmed by theunion between the new Eve and Tristessa in The Passion of New Eve.
Ci poems are a great treasure of Chinese classic literary and occupy a unique place inliterary history. Translations of ci poems are abundant,among which Xu Yuanchong's 100Tang and Song Ci Poems is more comprehensive, for it covers the two dynasties in which cipoems developed greatly. Centering on the actualization of the aesthetic motivations, thisthesis examines the translation of ci poems by Xu Yuanchong from the semiotic perspective.
Semiotics is an independent discipline, and with the development of interdisplineiy study,it is applied to translation, but limited in research. As holistic and effective as it might be,semiotics is believed to be the most comprehensive system to analyze signs, especially inpoetry translation. The thesis will apply this methodology and study aesthetic motivationunderlying translations of the 100 ci poems at three levels: phonological motivation, syntacticmotivation and semantic motivation.
Through a rough analysis of tiie 100 ci poems, semiotics's function as an effectivemethodology has been largely fulfilled. In the study of semantic motivation, semiotics is takenas a powerful analytic tool. And in the study of phonological motivation and syntacticmotivation, the semiotic rationale and theoretical perspective is applied. Phonologicalmotivation, syntactic motivation and semantic motivation are all realized to a large extent inXu Yuanchong's translation, so his translation is successful in the actualization of aestheticmotivation on the whole. The degree of the realization of syntactic motivation is the highestamong the three while the degree of phonological motivation is the lowest. The research resultshows that Xu Yuanchong has strictly followed his translation theory of ”beauty in sense, insound and in form“ in his translation practice.
This translation report acts as a summary for my C-E translation project ofTrademark Law ofP.R. China, and its emphases is on how to translate into English theChinese ”De“ structures with conditional implications. This project is a simulationpractice for the purpose of strengthening my translation ability.
The Trademark Law ofP.R. China contains lots of ”De“ structures with conditionalimplications which should be translated into conditional clauses due to linguisticdifferences between Chinese and English. The great change pose great difficulty totranslation. The first difficulty lies in the diversified and complex structures withintricate logical relations. The second stems from ”De,,structures' vacancy ofconjunctions which should not miss in their corresponding English translations and thechoice of the conjunction is affected by the complexity of structure.
This project adopts Vermeer's Skopos Theory to the translation of 6De' structureswith conditional implications. The target readers of the translation are English-speakingpeople eager to get acquainted with the trademark law of China, and the purpose oftranslation is to provide them with a complete and readable English version. The authoradopts the method of syntactic linearity for the phrasal verb + 'De,structures, themethods of restructuring and disconnecting for simple clauses and complex clauses +6De' structures. The conjunction if or where is chosen according to the rules of legalEnglish.
The translator adopts different translation methods in this report hoping that thedifficulties of translating “De” structures with conditional implications could be solvedand at the same time,could provide some enlightenment for other translators confrontedwith similar difficulties.
Doris Lessing is a prolific writer, whose literature contains numerous themes, with theGolden Notebook laureate her as the Nobel Prize winner, a sea of critics both at home andabroad have been engaged in researches on this masterpiece. These comments are mainlyconducted from two perspectives, i.e. exploration on its multiples themes as well as its splitforms. As for the former, parts of scholars claimed that it is a feminist novel in which Lessingwrote as the speaker of free women. Lessing, however, has been so strongly against thissurficial understanding that she made clear her intention in writing this novel in the preface, itexpressed a disorder and split nature of that time via recording the protagonist Anna'sexperiences in various five notebooks. Women achieved their freedom not because of theirtriumphs over men, but because of their successful maintenance of power relations betweentheir male counterparts and themselves.
In order to give further elaboration on the above thematic understanding, this thesis isgoing to analyze the protagonist Anna via applying Foucault's power theory from threeaspects, i.e. her collapse and rebuild of political faith,her desperation and relief on marriageand true love, as well as her split and integration of inner mind. Its' purpose is to point out thetraditional male/female dichotomy could not provide the reason why numerous so-called freewomen are unable to harbor free at all. However, in turning to Foucault's power theory, wecould put women's oppression into larger social realm, what deprived women's freedom istheir subjection to disciplinary power in society,which works not simply from top-downorder,but exerts its influence on each individual through a surveillance mechanism called“panopticon”. More significantly,Foucault's power theory also tells us women become theproducer and carrier of power, who restrict men's life by resistance towards power; this couldbe well projected in the appearance of Anna's second husband. At the same time, the fact thatwomen are the power carrier is demonstrated in their self-adaption to psychologicalinstability,Anna remained mentally ill even though she turned to psychologist for severaltimes. It is only when she discovered and accepted the truth that there existing two Anna inher body that she achieved unity in body and soul.
In a nutshell,applying Foucault's power theory to analyze the protagonist Anna'sself-redemption process, on the one hand, can trace the root cause of Anna's turbulent life as汪 female,and explain how she remolded herself by resisting as well as wielding power onothers. On the other hand, it can unveil several typical problems facing feminism,such as thetraditional patriarchy system, women's self-consciousness, and feminists' view towardspsychology,thus leading feminism into a more reasonable patii.