This paper is comparative study on the Librettos of a contemporary Rapper of “Gesar”who name is Zha Ba. During my study for a master's degree,I had gathering thedifferent libretto versions of “Gesar” by Zha Ba. for many times from every Tibetanarea. In three years, there are thirteen versions to collected total.During the writing ofthis paper,I make the preliminary screening to these librettos what were raps by ZhaBa. I had compard and studied to the most representative librettos Among them. Thefive librettos are “ Lha gling, Mon gling, Sumpa mdzo rdzong, Hor phyi pa rardzongy Bha ga la 3phrul gyi rgyal po. ”
This thesis consists of four parts:
1.Thepreface is divided into two sections, one is the research method of thisdissertation; the two is the life story of Zha Ba and his rap of “Gesar”
2.Thefirst chapter uses the method and theory of comparative study between the earlylibretto versions of the traditional ''Gesar“ and Zha Ba's versions. Mainly through thecomparison of the Gansu edition i6 Lha gling, Mon glin^\ the Xizangedition ” Sumpa mdzo rdzong、and compares there features of the text content andlyrics.
3.Thesecond chapter are introduced and comparative studied on the stories and songsthat unique librettos by Zha Ba of the、、Hor phyi pa ra rdzong and“BJia ga la'phrul gyi rgyal po” .Through comparative study, put forward n Hor phyi pa rardzong should be classified as the Volume 2 of Hor gling g.yul rgyed.
4.The epilogue sums up the plot structure of the arrangement in five contemporarylibretto versions. Reflects the commonality of peculiar to Zha Ba.
As one of the rapid-developing transport system in the world, especially known as itsfeatures of high efficiency, low-energy cost and large transporting capacity, the railwaysystem has been playing an important role in the transportation industry. On the other hand,the railway hub is a window of the city, which reflects the public impression of the city. Apartfrom being a supplement to the whole building cluster of the railway hub, the landscape infront of the railway hub can provide service to the people in the hub.
With the economic booming and the development of social construction, the buildings ofthe railway hub present the features of architectural style diversification, materialdiversification and richer look. However, it is easy to ignore the environmental harmony ofthe hub when we are attracted by the excellent construction of hub. The ideal railway hubenvironment should be in this way the constructions and landscape should complement eachother and make people feel the cultural atmosphere. The environmental harmony can embodythe characteristic of the times and boost the development of the human civilization.
From above, the harmony and unity between the railway hub constructions and thelandscapes has been an unignored issue in the railway transport industry. Thus it has asrealistic significance to the landscape design of railway hub.
This paper studied the landscape design of railway hub building and got the result of howthe architectural style of railway hub influences the landscape, and then summarized thedesign principles and design methods to study the relevant environmental design issues ofrailway transport hub system in China.
Based on the summarized design principles and methods, the research result was appliedto the landscapes of ZiBo railway station. Through the application in practice, the researchresult was examined.
The definition of “ the crime of disrupting public service” in current CriminalLaw is drawn from summary of the policies from Criminal Law 1979 version. CurrentCriminal Law has integrated the specific rules for “ the crime of disrupting publicservice” into a unified one. Meanwhile, the current version has differentiated “ thecrime of disrupting public service” from “Objection of Implementation for CourtDecision” based on article 157th of the criminal law of 1979 version. So that “Onerule leads to one accusation” has been realized.Study and understanding of the theorycircle of the criminal law on the crime of disrupting public service in our country isstill not deep enough and there are various opinions on the specific judgment of thecrime. And in the practice of judicature, certain judicature explanations are lacking todeal with cases. All these lead to judicial personnel's deviation and misjudgment tosome extent in dealing with the cases and results in the vague distinction betweencrime and non-crime and different sentences of identical cases, which seriouslyinfluences the impartiality and seriousness of judicial work. In consideration of this,I'm in attempt to adopt the form of raising questions, teasing out current studyachievement and various opinions on the knotty problems about this crime andanalyzing related cases to study and discuss series of difficulties in the judicialpractice.
The thesis is divided into three chapters. Chapter 1 and 2 refer to the thematicstudy on the certain problems. Chapter 3 emphasizes on the further analysis anddiscussion about the related problems of crime of disrupting public service on thebasis of the former chapters.
Chapter 1 focuses on the object of crime. This chapter is divided into three partswhich respectively study and analyze the constitution of the object of crime fromthree perspectives: firstly, the object of crime should have the identity of statepersonnel; secondly, the behavior of performing duty by the object is legal; thirdly,the object is in the process of performing duty. This chapter illustrates the concept ofstate personnel and raises distinct argument about whether the staffs in the ChineseCommunist Party, the democratic parties ,urban management bureau and other relatedpersonnel can be the objects of the crime or not. In the next place, through theanalysis of related cases, the scope of the “law” by which civil servants performs dutyis set scientifically and the clear view of the judgment method and the standard tojudge the legitimacy of act of duty is put forward. In the end, from the intention of thelegislators, I raise the viewpoint that “the preparatory stage is also establish thecrime” and put forward my own views on the judgment standard for “official businesshas been executed completely”.
Chapter 2 mainly discusses the behavior of the crime. It is for the judgmentwhether the behavior accords with the constitution of the crime that I need tosummarize clause 277 of Criminal Law of China where crime of disrupting publicservice is identified, which means the crime's definiteness, obstructive andparticularity. On this basis, two specific means, violence and threat, whose legal formand degree are discussed, are deeply studied to provide a reference to solve thespecific problems in the judicial practice. In addition, I put forward my own opinionabout some special situations which may be met in practical operation of the judicialorgans.
Chapter 3 discusses a series of problems related with crime, including therequirements of the crime, the influence of the actor's subjective sin on the convictionand sentence of the crime and the pattern of crime number. Requirements of the crimeare the key to the judge whether certain behavior accords with the constitution ofcrime of disrupting public service. From my perspective, it should be realized thatthere are distinct differences between the behavior of disrupting public service andjustifiable defense, general unlawful acts or minor violations, further limiting theconditions of crime of disrupting public service. Additionally, I maintain that thesubjective sin of the actor is of great importance to the judgment of the crime.
Through the analysis of the specific case, it is reached that “using violence to escapefrom punishment meets the subjective content of the crime” and that “using violenceto attack and retaliate can not be attributed to the subjective content of the crime”. Atlast, the pattern of crime number is discussed and I will focus on the research ofconcurrence of articles of law between the crime and the crime of disrupting the orderof the court, the imaginative joinder relationship between the crime and the crime ofintentional injury and crime of intentional homicide and offering a proposal that theregulations of implicated crimes should be further perfected in Criminal Law of ourcountry.
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