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  In The concept of mind, Ryle holds nothing back when he confess that hispsychology is behaviouristic. However, his behaviourism is different from traditionalbehavourism. First, those basic concepts constituted this kind of behaviourism, suchas “mind” and “behaviour”,are not the same as those we have recognized. Therefore,the relationship between physical and mental which it attempt to investigate shouldbelong to another field. And if to be exact,that is the relationship between dispositionand intelligent behaviour. Second, Ryle had said that the logical state of disposition isneither categorical not hypothetical,so we cannot call it “semantic behaviourism” or“linguistic behaviourim” for framing. It is said that he intends to reduce alldispositional statements into hypothetical propositions, this view cannot be true. Lastbut not the least, traditional behaviourism is a sort of theory in its account of ourstanding of other minds,but Ryle's behaviourism is not restricted in the same account.

  The explanatory versions which have continued till today,such as “ontological ormetaphysical behaviourism”, methodological behaviourism,,, Eclecticbehaviourism“ and so on,still have various omissions and mistakes. They alsodisagree with each others.

  We have learn from these historical lessons that,only by finding out the problemdomain or the scope of psychology which fits with mid-Ryle's philosophical interestscan we positioning his behaviourism further. Mid-Ryledevoted. to set up apsychological method of common sense for philosophical treatment. Thispsychological method attempt to clear up all sorts of opposition and conflict thatdualism arouse, the style of which can be estimated between of Husserl'sphenomenology and pragmatism. The philosophical interests of TheConcept of Mindcan be illustrated as that, it intends to deal with two interrelated questions: how toactualize a philosophical therapy for traditional behaviourism which has sunk deepinto field-category mistake,and how to set up ”philosophical behavourism“.

  There is also further research suggesting that Ryle's behaviourism has not onlymethodological significance but also ontological significance. The methodologicalbehaviourism contains two main contents: validation of mind by behaviour, inferenceof behaviour by mind. The traditional behaviourism equates validation of mind withverification of fact and substitutes assumed physical process for the true situation atinference level. To meet the treatment needs of both sides, Ryle try to uncover thespecific logic of validation by showing the model of disposition,and clarify the factat inference level by analyzing the scope of ”knowing how“. Ontologicalbehaviourism involves ontology of world and ontology of mind. The majorviewpoints of the former can be concluded as follows. There is only one world exists.

  The one is the world of everyday life that,treating the dispositional behaviour asbasic unit of which, as existence of behaviour as its existence. The major viewpointsof the latter can be concluded as follows. Mind is not entity, its activity cannot berecognized as occurrence or events. As potency of behaviour, it must lie outside theworld.

(作者:佚名 编辑:admin)
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