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  开题报告包括综述、关键技术、可行性分析和时间安排等四个方面 .由于开题报告是用文字体现的论文总构想,因而篇幅不必过大,但要把计划研究的课题、如何研究、理论适用等主要问题写清楚。开题报告一般为表格式,它把要报告的每一项内容转换成相应的栏目,这样做,既避免遗漏;又便于评审者一目了然,把握要点。下面是英语开题报告范文,供大家参考。
  题目:From Reading to Writing: an Effective and Practical Approach in Improving Students' EFL Writing in Senior High Schools
  English, especially English reading and writing, has become an effective means to get access to all kinds of information and an indispensable means of international communication. As a matter of fact, English writing are vital to our individual development because it has been applied more and more in both our English study and future work.
  However, according to my personal writing experience and teaching practice experience in Bobai Middle school, I found that the students' EFL writing ability is not so encouraging and satisfactory in senior high schools though they have learned English for several years in primary and middle school. Not a few of them do very poor in applying English to express their ideas, thoughts, feelings, etc. in EFL writing. Some of them even cannot produce a single correct sentence in their compositions. Those students may actually have something to write, but they just cannot express it correctly and appropriately in English. On one hand, they do not grasp sufficient active vocabularies to express themselves. On the other hand, they lack sense of sentence structure and composition structure to develop their composition. The last but not least, they don't know how to apply the materials they have read to improve their writing ability though they have read a lot.
  Therefore, it's necessary and urgent to find an effective and practical approach to solve the poor performance in the students' EFL writing and improve their writing ability. Many scholars have proved that there is a strong relationship between reading and writing. From reading to writing can effectively enlarge the students' amount of vocabulary, cultivate their sense of sentence structure and composition structure, enrich their writing materials and promote their ability in using words and sentences. Therefore, from reading to writing approach is highly advocated in improving EFL writing in senior high schools.
  According to the New Curriculum Standards for senior high schools, listening, speaking, reading and writing are four basic skills and requirements for the students. However, the students' EFL writing ability in senior high schools is not so pleasant and encouraging. The prevalent EFL writing approaches (the product approach and the process approach) in senior high schools do not do much good to improve students' writing ability. This study aims to compare these two approaches with from reading to writing approach and show the advantages of applying from reading to writing approach in senior high schools.
  From reading to writing approach advocates that writing should be integrated with reading so that the students can enlarge their vocabulary in reading, learn how to use language appropriately, how to apply their background knowledge, how to arrange the sentences, how to organize the composition, how to achieve coherence and unity and how to activate their mind when writing. In this way, the students can improve their writing ability effectively and efficiently. Therefore, the thesis tries to analyze the present reading and writing situation in senior high schools, expound the nature of reading and writing, discuss the necessity and feasibility of reading to writing approach, show the application of reading to writing approach in EFL writing practice and prove the effectiveness and practicality of reading and writing approach.
  1. Introduction
  2. The present situation of English writing in senior high schools
  3. The nature of reading and writing
  3.1 The nature of reading
  3.2 The nature of writing
  4. The relationship between reading and writing
  4.1 Reading paves the way for writing
  4.2 Writing promotes reading
  5. The necessity and feasibility of reading-to-writing
  5.1 The necessity of reading-to-writing
  5.2 The feasibility of reading-to-writing
  6. The advantages of applying reading-to-writing approach
  6.1 The definition of reading-to-writing approach
  6.2 A comparison of reading-to-writing approach with product approach and process approach
  7. The application of reading-to-writing approach
  7.1 The principles of applying reading-to-writing approach
  7.1.1 Paying equal attention to reading and writing
  7.1.2 Paying equal attention to intensive reading and extensive reading
  7.2 The selection of good reading materials
  7.3 Ways of adapting reading-to-writing approach
  7.3.1 Pre-writing reading
  7.3.2 Writing from reading
  7.3.3 Post -writing reading and rewriting
  1. Literature research method: read relevant books, journals and nets for research
  2. Comparative analysis method: compare the product approach and the process approach with from reading to writing approach and show the advantages of from reading to writing approach.
  Collect, sort and search books, journals and dates from the library and on the internet.
  [1] Judith Oster. 1984. From Reading to Writing: A Composition Text with Reading for English as a Second Language [M]. Columbus: A Bell & Howell Company.
  [2] Judith A. Standford. 2000. Developing Connections: Short Reading for Writers (Second Edition) [M]. California: Mayfield Publishing Company.
  [3] 蔡明德。 论英语阅读教学对写作的影响及教学启示[D]. 华中师范大学, 2003.
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  [8] 刘烨。 以读促写在高中英语写作教学中的应用研究[D]. 西北师范大学, 2006.
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  [11] 韦岩峰。 提高英语阅读能力的有效途径[J]. 青海师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2004,(06)。
  [12] 相廷礼。 EFL阅读与写作能力的相关性分析[D]. 山东大学, 2007.
  [13] 肖福寿。 英语写作教学的原则与策略[M]. 上海:上海大学出版社, 2007.
  [14] 谢薇娜。 谈阅读与写作的交融性[J]. 外语教学, 1994,(04)。
  [15] 熊杰。 高中英语阅读教学中结合写作练习提高学生写作能力的研究[D]. 西北师范大学,2006.
  [16] 中华人民共和国教育部制订。 全日制义务教育普通高级中学英语课程标准(实验稿)[M]. 北京:北京师范大学出版社,2003.
(作者:佚名 编辑:admin)
文章热词:英语 开题 报告 范文





